
AbstractRoberts, M. J., Downey, N. J., and Sauer, W. H. 2012. The relative importance of shallow and deep shelf spawning habitats for the South African chokka squid (Loligo reynaudii). – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 69: 563–571. It is well known that the spawning grounds of chokka squid Loligo reynaudii lie along the shallow inshore regions of South Africa's south coast. However, egg masses have been found in deeper water on the Agulhas Bank, and hydroacoustic targets deemed to be large aggregations of spawning squid have been identified. The aim of this study was to investigate the extent, depth range, and importance of deep spawning. Trawl data collected during demersal research surveys between Port Nolloth on the west and Port Alfred on the south coast were examined for egg capsules. No spawning was found on the west coast. Data showed that chokka squid preferred the eastern Agulhas Bank for spawning. Spawning occurred not only inshore but also on the mid-shelf extending to depths of 270 m near the shelf edge. Squid egg biomass markedly decreased beyond 70 m, suggesting delineation between the inshore and offshore spawning grounds. Total egg biomass calculations for depths shallower and deeper than 70 m indicated the coastal area to be strongly favoured, i.e. 82 vs. 18%. These results contest the commonly accepted notion that L. reynaudii is an inshore spawner and redefine the spawning grounds to extend across the shelf.

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