
We quantified foraging behavior of brown bears (Ursus arctos) feeding on adult chum (Oncorhynchus keta) and pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) at three small coastal streams in southeastern Alaska from streamside tree stands. These observations revealed that social dominance was much more important in determining intake rates among bears than salmon densities. Each small stream supported one large, socially dominant bear that directly displaced other bears in aggressive encounters or was avoided in "passive deferrals". Although the number of fish killed per foraging bout was positively correlated with salmon density, energy intake was determined primarily by foraging effort, as dominant bears visited the stream more often and foraged for longer periods than subdominant bears. Capture efficiency (fish captured per minute searching) was highly variable and increased only marginally with salmon density and among social ranks. Subdominant bears were more vigilant, used a smaller fraction of each stream, and carried salmon much farther into the forest prior to consumption, presumably to minimize interactions with other bears. Social dominance may play an important role in regulating reproductive success when salmon densities are low and may have important implications for managers in bear-viewing areas.

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