
The article shows that professional creative activity is a kind of dialectic of objective and subjective content, which is realized self-development of the essence of the subject in relations with other people, products and relationships which determine professional creativity of the person. It was proved that multi-vector professional activity of managers of educational institutions was one of the most important system in relations of a man – the world. This multi-vector professional activity has the aim to distinguish self-regulation of the behavior of the specialist in the world; to direct the organization of a comprehensive way of mental adaptation to the surrounding reality as a special type of ordering the inner spiritual life of a man, his/her mental activity and professional creativity as some positive prerequisites for the organization of the spiritual life of our society. We actualized the importance of multi-vector professional activity for the person, which could be defined as a “prospective symbol of a harmonious personal structure”, through which the specialist professionally carried out cultural and multi-cultural synthesis of professional systems, individual objects and characteristics. Based on them, in general, we can conclude that the specifics of multi-vector activities (provided the implementation of its social or semantic components) contains in its structure considerable opportunities for the relationships and formation of social intelligence and qualities of divergent thinking of the subject. We formulated such psychological factors that determine the ability of the leader to professional creativity: - professional training of managers of higher educational institutions, due to the formation of personally and professionally significant experience, the formation of their creative abilities and possibilities of the individual; at the same time these creative abilities and possibilities will be directed on the achievement of valuable, axiologically significant results not only in a professional paradigm, but also in all spheres of vital activity of the person; - a high level of the development of general and social intelligence of the manager, which involves the implementation of creative actions by the individual at the level of meta-intellectual activity, which is where the true creative activity takes place, which leads to the explication of the creative achievements of the person. Thanks to this, the fourth level of the intelligence is in that fact that a person is able to establish interactions not only with various objects and other people, but also with the world as a whole, and thus is expanding the boundaries of his/her intellect and it begins a dialogue with a creative beginning of the world; - a low level of personal anxiety, which, in turn, will contribute to the formation of axiological creative potential of the individual as a frame, which is a precautionary factor of value disorientation of the leader, leveling his/her creative, viable changes in values, which, in turn, can lead to moral nihilism, professional burnout or to a state of professional degradation of the person; - the actualization of components of divergent thinking of the person which are formed in a case of managers of educational institutions with a high level of professional creativity, such as: the productivity of administrative activity, a high level of the formation of homospatial thinking, the ability to solve creative problems (mental tasks), a great speed of thinking, the ability to form a planetary thinking, flexibility of thinking, originality of thinking, the development of thinking, radial thinking, the formation of lateral thinking.

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