
Many studies have reported that gynecologic cancer diagnosis, surgery, adjuvant therapy, and survivorship can be extremely stressful for many people during their cancer journey, and most cancer survivors have experienced stress after cancer, which impacts their quality of life. Importantly, healthy stress management will assist patients in overcoming obstacles in their lives and enhance both the quality of life and the cancer adjustment process. This study aimed to investigate the relationships between stress, coping strategies, and quality of life among gynecologic cancer survivors and to assess the mediating effects of coping on the relationship between quality of life and stress. A series of regression models and Sobel test were conducted to investigate whether coping strategies mediated the relationship between stress and quality of life. Stress was a predictor of quality of life. Acceptance was the mediator between stress and quality of life. Tailored programs that foster coping strategies, such as the strategy of acceptance, to reduce stress and maintain quality of life in this vulnerable group need to be developed.

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