
The existence of tourist objects and attractions is the most important component in a tourism activity. Likewise with the existence of tourist attractions in Bedengan, Malang, Indonesia, the number of existing visits has fluctuated. This is because there are several interesting factors encouraging tourists to visit Bedengan such as, its location which is close to several campuses, its large area which makes it suitable to set up a camp, landmass that can be used for outdoor, a very serene view with a narrow river and clean and fresh water from a waterfall, and its cheap price for the entrance ticket which is only Rp 5,000. This study discusses the image of Bedengan as tourist destination and its influence on tourist interest in travelling, through promotion as a mediating variable. Four hypotheses were developed in order to answer the objective of the study. The population in this study were tourists who visited Malang Bedengan Nature Tourism, with a sample of 100 respondents. The analysis technique used is multiple linear regression with two models. The tested hypotheses are concluded as: 1) There is a positive and significant effect of destination image on tourist interest in travelling, 2) There is a positive and significant influence of promotion on tourist interest in travelling, 3) There is a positive and significant influence of destination image on promotion, and 4) There is a positive and significant effect of destination image on tourist interest in travelling through promotion. The findings of the study can assist the stakeholders to use promotional tools to market the image of Bedengan as tourist destination.


  • Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, making tourism its most efficient sector to boost foreign exchange (Nandi, 2016)

  • It is known that most of the tourists come from Malang with a total of 73%, while the remaining 27% come from outside Malang. This means that Bedengan tourism is still only dominantly known by the surrounding Malang residents while residents from outside Malang are not very familiar with Bedengan tourist attractions

  • Based on the results of the research that has been carried out and the discussion of the research results, it can be concluded that: 1) Destination image positively influences the interest to travel. This is indicated by the significant value of = 0.230 and a significance level of 0.035

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Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world, making tourism its most efficient sector to boost foreign exchange (Nandi, 2016). Kastolani (2016) explained that the development of tourism objects and attractions (ODTW), which is the main driver of the tourism sector, requires the cooperation of all stakeholders consisting of the public and government, direct cooperation from businesses and from the private sector. In accordance with its duties and authorities, the government is the facilitator that plays the role and function in making and determining all policies related to the development of tourism objects and attractions. Attractive tourist objects is one of the main assets that must be owned in the effort to increase and develop tourist product and attractions. The existence of tourism objects and attractions is the most important link in a tourism activity, because the main factor that drives visitors or tourists to visit tourist destinations is the potential and attractiveness of these attractions (Ram et al, 2016)

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