
The study aims to determine the relationship between face masks, face shields, physical distance, and handwashing with business continuity in traditional markets as a precaution against the Covid 19 outbreak during New Normal Life. The research, a phenomenographic study, is located at Griya Candramas Traditional Market in Sedati District, Sidoarjo, East Java. Data collection is carried out from April to June 2020, consisting of primary and secondary data. Data collection is carried out through indepth interviews and observations of 35 traditional market traders who sell traditional markets every day at Griya Candramas Sedati Sidoarjo. The research uses a qualitative method. The use of masks and face shields to cover the face, maintain distance, and diligently wash hands, can form behavioral habits and become a new culture so that traditional traders' businesses can be sustainable. Based on the research results, masks and face shields, physical distance, and handwashing are very safe to use and do by the community and traders in interacting so that a new habit is created. The unique culture can become a protocol in traditional markets to be comfortable working and sustain traditional traders' businesses. © 2021 RIGEO. All Rights Reserved.

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