
The course of events in the mouse adrenal cortex after hypophysectomy has been dealt with (Jones, 1949; 1950). It seems that the zona glomerulosa is independent of the pituitary in so far as it may be considered a histological entity, and that both the zona fasciculata and the X zone degenerate after removal of the hypophysis. In this paper the results of the injections of different, albeit impure, fractions of the anterior pituitary into hypophysectomized mice are given. The mice chosen are those whose adrenals possess an X zone and these fall into various categories. In the virgin female the X zone is a distinctive layer of cells surrounding the medulla and it persists for a varying length of time in adult life (Howard, 1927; Deanesly, 1928). In the male the X zone normally disappears at puberty. If, however, the immature mouse is castrated the X zone continues to develop and comes to occupy a large portion of the cortex as in the virgin female.

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