
DHF (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever) is a disease caused by Aedes Aegepty and Aedes Albopictus mosquitoes that can appear throughtout the year, and can attack all age groups, expecially children. Individual behavior in preventing Dengue fever depends on knowledge, which can bring real action for individuals to prevent DHF. The study aims to determine the relationship between parents knowledge level and DHF prevention behavior in the childreen’s room at St. Vincentius hospital Singkawang. The study was conducted in Agustus 2022 with a cross sectional design use in a study of 30 respondens whose childreen where in a emergency in pediatric ward of at.St. Vincentius Hospital because of DHF case. The level of knowledge of parent was measured by a Guttman scale questionnaire and for DHF prevention behavior using aquestionnaire with a Likert scale. The result of statistical test using fisher extract test on chi square obtained p-value 0,039 < 0,05, so that H0 rejected , which mean that there is a relationship between the level of parental knowledge and the prevention behavior of DHF in the Childreen’s room, St.Vincentius Hospital Singkawang. Parental knowledge about DHF desease greatly influences parental behavior in preventing DHF. Based on research that behavior based and knowledge will be more durable than behavior that is not based on knowledge people will prevent DHF transmission if they know what the goal and benefits are for health. Thus, the suggestion for the Santo Vincentius Hospital is to increase further counseling related to the prevention of DHF both in the hospital environtment and in the community arround the hospital in collaboration with the local government.

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