
The study contained five chapters. The first chapter included the research problem and its importance. The research problem was manifested in the lack of interest of some coaches in non-preferred (neglected) lower extremity exercises for soccer players, in addition to ignoring the effect of non-preferred lower extremity exercises in developing the accuracy of handling the preferred lower limb (the most used) The study aimed to identify the difference in the level of non-preferred (neglected) lower extremity exercises for soccer players, in addition to ignoring the effect of non-preferred lower extremity exercises in developing the accuracy of handling the preferred lower limb (the most used) In the governorates of the Middle Euphrates, the second chapter included topics of the concept of learning and its types, the impact of transferring learning and its types, movement programs, kinetic skills, kinetic programming, and kinetic control. As for the third chapter, the researcher used the descriptive approach by surveying and comparative studies, as the research community included football players within the Euphrates governorates. The number of members of the survey sample is (30) players, the number of members of the building sample is (90) players, and the application sample is No. Main (178) players. As for the fourth chapter, the results were analyzed and discussed, and conclusions were reached, including: there is a relationship to the exercises used by the research sample with the non-preferred party with the accuracy of handling the same party. Exercises of the non-preferred (neglected) lower limb increases the effectiveness of the motor program of skill and thus increases its accuracy, which positively affects the results of the preferred party and without exercises for that party.

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