
Abstract Aim. The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout level and quality of life of the nurses working at hospitals in Sivas, Turkey. It is thought that there is a relationship between job satisfaction, burnout levels and quality of life of nurses and that the direction of this relationship may have a positive or negative effect on care services they provide. For this reason, the measurement of the relationship between job satisfaction, burnout level and quality of life of nurses is important. Methods. Study sample included 439 nurses. The data was collected through Personal Information Form, Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ), Maslach Burnout Inventory and Quality of Life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF). The scores that the nurses received from the scales were presented in averages and in standard deviation. Correlation analysis was used for statistical analysis. Results. General job satisfaction average score of the nurses was 3.2±0.6. There was a positive and significant relationship between job satisfaction and all sub-dimensions of quality of life (p<0.01). Burnout sub-dimension average score of the nurses was 17.2±7.6, desensitization average score was 3.30±3.59 and personal achievement average score was 24.1±5.2. Quality of life average score of the nurses was 13.53±2. 7 in physical domain, 14.2±2 in psychological domain, 14.0±2.2 in social domain and 12.53±2.17 in environmental domain. There was a negative relationship between all sub-dimensions of quality of life and exhaustion and desensitization scores. It was found that there was a positive relationship between quality of life and personal achievement average scores (p<0.01). Conclusions. Quality of life of the nurses was slightly above average in all domains. As job satisfaction and personal achievements of the nurses increased, so did their quality of life. As the emotional exhaustion and desensitization levels of the nurses increased, their quality of life levels decreased. Keywords: Nurse, job satisfaction, burnout, quality of life Ozet Amac. Bu arastirma, Sivas ilindeki hastanelerde calisan hemsirelerin is doyumu, tukenme duzeyi ve yasam kaliteleri arasindaki iliskiyi belirlemek amaciyla yapilmistir. Hemsirelerin is doyumu, tukenme duzeyleri ve yasam kaliteleri arasinda bir iliski oldugu ve bu iliskinin yonunun onlarin sunduklari bakimin kalitesini de olumlu ya da olumsuz olarak etkileyebilecegi dusunulmektedir. Bu nedenle hemsirelerin is doyumu, tukenme duzeyi ve yasam kaliteleri arasindaki iliskinin olculmesi onemlidir. Yontem. Orneklem 439 hemsireden olustu. Veriler Kisisel Bilgi Formu, Minnesota Doyum Anketi (MSQ), Maslach Tukenmislik Envanteri ve Yasam Kalitesi Olcegi (WOHQQL-BREF) kullanilarak toplandi. Hemsirelerin olceklerden aldiklari puanlar ortalama ve standart sapma olarak sunulmus ve istatistiksel analizde korelasyon analizi kullanilmistir. Bulgular. Hemsirelerin genel is doyum puan ortalamasi 3,2±0,6 olup, is doyumu ile yasam kalitesinin tum alt boyutlari arasinda pozitif yonde anlamli bir iliski saptanmistir (p<0,01). Hemsirelerin tukenmisligin duygusal tukenme alt boyutu puan ortalamasi 17,2±7,6, duyarsizlasma puan ortalamasi 3,3±3,6 ve kisisel basari puan ortalamasi 24,1±5,2’dir. Hemsirelerin yasam kalitesi puan ortalamalari; fiziksel alanda 13,5±2,7, ruhsal alanda 14,2±2,3, sosyal alanda 14,0±2,2 ve cevre alaninda 12,5±2,2’dir. Yasam kalitesinin tum boyutlari ile duygusal tukenme ve duyarsizlasma puanlari arasinda negatif yonde, yasam kalitesi ile kisisel basari puan ortalamasi arasinda pozitif yonde anlamli bir iliski bulunmustur (p<0,01). Sonuc. Hemsirelerin yasam kaliteleri tum alanlarda ortanin biraz uzerindedir. Hemsirelerin is doyumlari ve kisisel basarilari arttikca yasam kaliteleri yukselmekte, duygusal tukenme ve duyarsizlasma duzeyleri attikca yasam kaliteleri dusmektedir. Anahtar sozcukler: Hemsire, is doyumu, tukenmislik, yasam kalitesi

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