
This study explores the relationship of intelligence to the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Stroop Color-Word Test, Oral Word Fluency Test, Design Fluency Test, Trail Making Test, contrasted with Rey Complex Figure Test, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test, Wide Range Achievement Test, and Underlining Test in average, above average and gifted children. Full-Scale IQ was significantly related to Wisconsin Card Sort Perseverative and Non-Perseverative Errors, Stroop Color-Word Test, Color-Word condition, Controlled Oral Word Fluency, Design Fluency, Rey Complex Figure, and Underlining conditions but not Trails or Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. MANCOVA's show gifted children outperformed other children on the executive but not the non-executive tests. Finally, the nature of the neuropsychological/IQ relationship was explored by further analyses.

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