
Keratitis is an inflammation of one of the five layers of the cornea due to the infiltration of inflammatory cells in the cornea which will result in the cornea to become cloudy. many factors that influence the occurrence of keratitis, one of the factors of age and occupation. Keratitis may affect all ages but more frequently in adulthood because that is of productive age, so at that age more at risk of trauma. One of the complications arising from keratitis is corneal ulcers. Objective: Determining the relationship of age and occupation on the incidence of keratitis and corneal ulcers in patients at hospitals Dr.H.Abdoel Moeloek Lampung Province in 2013-2014. Methods: Thisstudyis aretrospectiveanalytical researchwith cross sectional approach. Thestudypopulationwasallpatients withkeratitisandcorneal ulcersin hospitalsDr.H.AbdoelMoeloekLampung Provincein2013-2014. sampleswereobtainedbased on the formulaSlovinandinclusion and exclusion criteriainthis study amounted to64 keratitis patientsand97 corneal ulcers patientswith a total of161patientsandtaken usingPurposive Sampling. Results:Theresearch usingChi-square testshowed thatthe relationship of agetooccupationin patients withkeratitis(p =0.009) withOddsRatio=5.000andthe relationship of agetoemploymentin patients withcorneal ulcers(p =0.021) withOddsRatio=3.250. Conclusion:The results of this study can be concluded that there is a relationship between age and occupation on the incidence of keratitis and corneal ulcers in patients visiting at hospitals Dr.H.Abdoel Moeloek Lampung Province in 2013-2014 and the age and occupation is a risk factor for keratitis and corneal ulcers.

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