
Medical History in the Past and Present (Gu Jin Yi Shi), written by Wang Honghan, has been valued by historians since its discovery. Its publication was linked to Zhu Kerou but the relationship between the book and Zhu had been unclear for a long time. This paper examined medical books, medical notes, letters and local chronicles and other related materials. It was found that Zhu Kerou, also named Wengang and Yanyu, lived in Wu County, Jiangsu. He had studied under Miao Zunyi, a well-known doctor at that time, as his medical teacher for more than ten years. However, he did not maintain medicine as his career, but made a living with arts. He wrote Notes of Orchid (Di Yi Xiang Bi Ji) and had it published, collated and edited as part of the first seven volumes of Medical History in the Past and Present (Gu Jin Yi Shi). He also contributed to two additional volumes of this book.

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