
The Koroglu Epic, one of the most important epics of Turkish folk literature, recounts the epic life of Koroglu, a legendary figure whose birth date and place are unknown. A poet and folk hero who lived in Bolu and Ankara in the sixteenth century. Koroglu is recognized by all aspects of Turkish and world literature. However, the sources of factual and accurate information about him are very limited. Although this situation diminishes our opinion of him, there are plenty of research opportunities because his saga is so widely circulated. Being a folk hero, the poet lived in Bolu, Turkey. Bolo Bey, who oppressed his people, opposed his father, and with his father's death at the hands of Bolo Bey, his hatred, anger and rebellion increased. Given that he lived around the 16th century and participated in the wars during the reign of the Ottoman Sultan Murad III, the history of the epic is very old. His conflict with Bolo Bey, a gentleman who oppresses his people, is instrumental in making him a folk hero. Koroglu, who could not find the justice he was looking for and did not want to remain silent against oppression, went to the mountains and became a bandit. In this case, it could be considered a kind of cruelty. Where in fact, on the contrary, he went to the mountains and challenged the government because he did not give in to persecution. The words harsh and oppressive are of Arabic origin and are used in the same sense in Turkish. Al Qasi means the oppressor, and the oppressed means the person who is persecuted by the oppressor and condemned to live under an unjust system. When our field of study is Koroğlu, questions such as what is cruel and oppressive or how is this situation assessed? In this study, we will study the revolution of the popular poet known as Koroglu against oppression, and the relationship between oppression, the oppressed, and the oppressed, within the framework of the Koroglu Epic

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