
This study examines the relationship between off-the-ball tactical knowledge and off-the-ball tactical performance of college-age female participants’ (n = 34) with varying levels of expertise in territorial games. Tactical knowledge was measured using the Tactical Knowledge Instrument (TKI), which assessed participant responses when solving a “maintaining possession” tactical problem on a game board. The Game Performance Assessment Instrument (GPAI) measured participants’ tactical performance while they played a directional keep-away game in the gymnasium. Analysis of variance tests revealed a significant difference between the tactical knowledge scores between Expert and Novice participants F(2,31) = 6.09, p = .0059. As the expertise level moved from Novice to Expert mean scores increased. Correlated t-tests were completed to investigate scoring differences among specific components of the GPAI. Tests revealed significant differences (p < .001) with the decision-making; synchronized movement with teammates (DMB) and adjust; eluding a teammate prior to cutting to space (AB) component scores when compared to all other GPAI component scores. The DMB and AB mean scores were significantly lower than other component scores for all expertise levels. Off-the-ball knowledge and off-the-ball performance scores were not correlated among expertise groups. Expertise also did not prove to be an accurate indicator of participants’ level of tactical knowledge (other than between Expert and Novice) or tactical performance. These results may have implications concerning the over emphasis of skill versus tactical-based teaching and coaching, and may help select the instructional methods best suited for territorial games. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As I complete this Ph.D. journey I want my family, friends, and colleagues (especially those in the Health and Physical Education Department at Rhode Island College) to know how much I appreciate and value your continued support and encouragement. I would like to give special recognition to Mr. Paul Janaway and Dr. Bennett Lombardo for their preliminary suggestions toward modifying the study instruments and the endless hours of viewing, reviewing, and then scoring participant videotapes for both the validation and dissertation studies. I am most grateful to my committee members who have committed much time and energy into guiding me through this process and ensuring I produce a meaningful end product. Karen Castagno you always found the answers to the endless logistical questions. I never felt alone as you were always quick to reassure me or relieve my anxieties. You handled the details so I could concentrate on the research. I trusted you completely to make sure the process was done correctly. Your attention to detail especially during the data collection and editing phases was extraordinary. You listened, suggested alternatives, but ultimately let this be my work. Ben Lombardo – you were always willing to put down your work to listen to me think out loud about the teaching of games I love talking sports with you!!! You were always positive, open to new views and helped me to develop my constructivist ideas through teaching games for understanding. I respect your views and suggestions and value you as a friend. Lou Heifetz – thank you for your patience with my timetables and endless statistical questions for both my validation study and dissertation. Your in depth review of my drafts provided invaluable feedback. I feel fortunate to have had you on my team since the very beginning of the program; you gave me a solid foundation, which made me confident in the design and statistical analysis of my study. David Byrd – your comments and suggestions on my initial literature review in Core II provided a starting point for my research. You helped me to pinpoint and redefine what I wanted to study and the questions you posed made me think about the big picture and where this research fit into school reform. In addition, I want to recognize those who have shown unwavering loyalty and patience; especially through the last five years. Andy when all is said and done you are always there to keep everything real and in perspective. Throughout this process you gave me the time and space to work, however, I always knew and felt that you appreciated the importance of this accomplishment. I always knew you were in my corner and I love you for that. Mom & Dad – where it all started!!! Dad for introducing me to the world of sport; your unconditional support whether I was playing, coaching, recruiting, or we were just watching sports together you planted the seed. Then Mom you nurtured my growth; you always let me know that I could do whatever I put my mind to and you modeled for me the qualities of a successful, strong woman.

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