
Etawa crossbreed (PE) goat farm has been well developed in Kokap, Kulonprogo, and Yogyakarta. The important aspects that support it are doe’s health and reproductive performance. This study aimed to determine the relationship between subclinical mastitis incidence and reproductive performance of the does. This study used 84 does from four different farms, which tested using California Mastitis Test (CMT) to determine the mastitis status. The reproductive performance data gained through a questionnaire and the relation to the mastitis status was analyzed using Chi-square. The result showed that the prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 16.67 % (14 does). In the non-mastitis does, 75.71% had long calving interval (CI), 88.57% had long days open (DO), 44.29% had Litter size (LS) 1, and 12.86% had service per conception (S/C) more than 2. Meanwhile, in the mastitis group, the does with long CI was 71.43%, long DO was 85.71%, LS 1 was 28.57%, and S/C > 2 was 14.29%. The chi-square analyses showed no relationship between subclinical mastitis cases with long CI (X2=0.22), long DO (X2=0.09), LS 1 (X2=1.19), and high S/C (X2=0.02). It can be concluded that there was no relation of mastitis cases to reproductive performance of PE does in Kokap, Kuloprogo, and Yogyakarta.

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