
Someone who reaches the age of 60 years and over or can be called the elderly, the increasing age, various kinds of diseases appear, one of which is hypertension. One of the risk factors for hypertension that can be changed is smoking behavior. The effect of chemicals contained in cigarettes such as nicotine will spur an increase in heart rate and blood pressure to increase. This study aims to determine the relationship between smoking behavior and the incidence of hypertension in elderly men in RW 18 Ciangsana Village, Gunung Putri District, Bogor. Correlation descriptive research method. The population of this research is the elderly aged 60-74 years as many as 100 respondents. Samples were taken by purposive sampling technique as many as 80 respondents. Univariate and bivariate analysis technique used Chi-Square = 5%. The results showed that smoking behavior was strong (51.2%) and had an influence on the incidence of severe hypertension (30.0%). From the analysis results obtained p value 0.000 this value is smaller than = 5%. Then H0 is rejected. The conclusion is that there is a relationship between smoking behavior and the incidence of hypertension in elderly men in RW 18 Ciangsana Village, Gunung Putri District, Bogor. It is recommended that elderly people who smoke can reduce or stop smoking so that high blood pressure can become normal by diverting more positive activities.

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