
Examples of lithology, fossil content and taphonomic features of shellbeds and intervening less fossiliferous intervals are presented from four Plio–Pleistocene successions (Shimosa Group, Boso Peninsula, Omma Formation, Hokuriku area, Japan, and Okehu, Kai-iwi, and Shakespeare groups in Wanganui, and the Rangitikei Group along the Rangitikei River in New Zealand). As for pre-Pliocene 3rd- and 4th-order depositional sequences, Plio–Pleistocene 5th- to 7th-order depositional sequences contain a variety of shellbeds which are often associated with surfaces or intervals that are characterized by sedimentary condensation, omission or erosion (e.g. sequence boundaries, ravinement surfaces, downlap surfaces and condensed sections). Stratigraphic patterns of shellbed type tend to be similar and repetitive within a basin and a locality. This demonstrates that a specific palaeogeography played an important role in determining the nature of shellbeds. For example, shellbeds formed in the context of toplap are common only in the Shimosa Group, which was deposited in a moderately sheltered sea, the palaeo-Tokyo Bay. Toplap shellbeds are rare in other sequences formed in more open conditions. Despite the variability resulting from such basin characteristics, common styles of shellbeds can be recognized that formed under conditions of marine onlap, backlap, downlap and toplap. Each type of shellbed has a characteristic fossil composition and taphonomy. Onlap and toplap shellbeds contain low-diversity macrobenthic associations including Glycymeris, Mercenaria, Paphies or other bivalves having robust shells, which are often abraded or fragmented. Backlap shellbeds, which are equivalent to the condensed section formed at the maximum transgression, are characterized by dominance of epifaunal macrobenthos such as bryozoa, brachiopoda, pectinid and ostreid bivalves, preserved in a slightly cemented, glauconitic muddy matrix. In contrast to fossils in such condensed sections, the shell density and species diversity of downlap shellbed associations are rather low, and in a few examples the macrobenthic association was buried rapidly in a lower unit of the highstand systems tract (HST) stratigraphically located above the condensed sections. Variations in the stratigraphic distribution of shellbed types are reflected in symmetrical and asymmetrical sequence architectures. Symmetrical sequences have roughly the same thickness of transgressive systems tracts (TST) and highstand systems tracts (HST), and have well segregated shellbeds that were formed during marine onlap and backlap. Asymmetrical cycles have very thin TSTs and much thicker HSTs, and are characterized by the amalgamation of condensed onlap and backlap shellbeds. Such contrasting cycle architectures are interpreted to reflect inner (symmetrical) and outer (asymmetrical) shelf palaeodepositional settings. The amalgamated onlap/backlap shellbeds appear to be common in Plio–Pleistocene sequences. Owing to the short duration of glacio-eustatic sea-level changes with dominant frequencies of 20,000, 40,000 or 100,000 years, shellbeds in the Plio–Pleistocene are relatively simple and thin compared to those formed in ordinary third-order depositional sequences. Infauna-dominated benthic associations are generally more common than in third-order cycles, and epifaunal associations facilitated by taphonomic feedback on sediment-starved shell-gravel substrates occur only in the condensed section corresponding to maximum transgression in most Plio–Pleistocene sequences.

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