
This work was carried out to determine the relationship between seed coat color and seed quality in Crimson sweet watermelon. Seed lots (1, 2, 3, and 4) were prepared taking into consideration seed coat colors in fresh seeds with naked eye. The color parameters of these prepared seed lots were determined using Minolta colorimeter. To determine quality differences between the seed lots, standard germination test, seed weight, water uptake ratio, mean germination time, emergence percentage, mean emergence time, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight and electrical conductivity values were determined. The seed weight (57.22 mg), germination percentage (86.5%), emergence percentage (77.5% total and 76.5% normal), seedling fresh weight (978.7 mg), and dry weight (64.7 mg) of the brown seed lot (Lot 1) were markedly higher than lots having lighter seed coat (2, 3, and 4). On the other hand the mean emergence time (7.7 days) and electrical conductivity value (128.8 μS/cm g in 24 h) of the brown seed lot (Lot 1) were lower than lots having lighter seed coat (2, 3, and 4). The obtained data indicated that seed quality differences can be determined according to the seed coat color of Crimson sweet seeds. It was found that seed lot 1 had higher seed vigor and viability than seed lots 2, 3, and 4. Color parameters b*, C*, L*, and H°, determined by Minolta colorimeter, showed significant correlation with seeds quality parameters.

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