
Objective: The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of pregnancy complications with high low AFP, high HCG and low estriol levels detected in maternal serum in the Ankara regions pregnancy population. Method: 951 patients who had undergone triple test during pregnancy for complication rates at T.C.S.B. Ankara Numune Education and Research Hospital were determined retrospectively. Venous blood samples were taken from each patient, Beta hCG, uE3 and AFP tests performed at Ankara Numune Hospital Biochemistry laboratory by using Immulite One® system which was based competetive immunassay methods. Obtained results reported corrected multiple of the median (median multiple of: MoM) values according to pregnancy weeks by using licenced computer program (Prisca®). The risk calculation was made by Patient’s age, race, weight, smoking and diabetes, history of IVF pregnancies and sampling date, using either BPD(biparietal diameter) measurement at ultrasound date or last menstrual period.The patients with high AFP levels (>2 MoM), high HCG levels (>2 MoM), low AFP levels ( 2 MoM), yuksek HCG (>2 MoM), dusuk AFP ( 2 MoM), 48’inde yuksek hCG (>2 MoM), 21’inde dusuk AFP ( 2 MoM), 48 patients with high HCG (>2 MoM), 21 patients with low AFP (<0.5 MoM) and 11 patients with low estriol levels (<0.5 MoM) among the patients those included to the study group. Conclusion: Down Syndrome Screening tests routinely ordered for pregnancy follow-up in daily practise. In the study, It was concluded that AFP, hCG and unconjuge estriol levels would be valuable for pregnancy complications detection.

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