
This study investigated the relationship between preabuse factors and psychological symptomatology in sexually abused girls. Ninety-four sexually abused girls, 89 clinical controls, and 75 normal controls comprised the subject population. All subjects were ages 6–12. Preabuse information was obtained with the Developmental, Psychiatric, and Medical History (DPM). Symptom measures included the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC), Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale, and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL parent version). Results indicated that the sexually abused and clinical control groups had significantly more prior developmental and psychiatric problems and significantly more past Stressors on the DPM than the normal control group. In addition, in examining the sexually abused group only, prior developmental and psychiatric problems were clearly associated with increased behavioral and emotional problems (CBCL), self-reported depressive symptoms (CDI), and lower self-esteem (Piers-Harris). Parallel results were found in the clinical control group, although correlations were higher in the sexual abuse group. Findings are interpreted to support the notion that there are a multitude of variables that may affect the psychological adjustment of sexually abused children, including preabuse and post-abuse factors and the trauma of the abusive experience itself.

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