
This study investigated the factors of national development by Korean language education in South Korea. We can find the contributory factors such as outstanding human resources, realization of liberal democracy, a democratic and peaceful change of power, successful land reform, promotion of export-driven industries, success in agricultural improvement through Saemaul Undong (New Community Movement), promotion of national identity through Korean language and history education, and high educational zeal.We can find the cultural elements in South Korea``s mother tongue education that promotes identity, morality, and humanity in an endeavor to ensure its national, moral, and linguistic legitimacy. Reminding citizens of their personal and national identity, the notion of identity is associated with patriotism. Morality translates into moralism as it promotes the ethicality of individuals and the state. Humanity promotes the linguistic sophistication of individuals and the state``s refinement in humanities, giving rise to humanitarianism. Historically, there has been the Hangeul writing revolution of Sejong the Great, stylistic revolution of the Enlightenment Party, literacy movements led by churches and newspapers, anti-Japanese movement of Korean language promotion by Sigyeong Ju and the Choseon Language Society, and educational revolution in South Korea. South Korea``s consistent Hangeul-only policy for public documentation suggests that efforts to protect a mother tongue in public and academic settings will benefit all Koreans.

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