
BACKGROUND:The analysis of the association of polymorphism of hepatic lipase gene with vascular wall stiffness in extreme climatic conditions, the development of criteria for the selection and effectiveness of military service in the Arctic zone, depending on the characteristics of the genotype is one of the main tasks of military medicine.
 AIM:The aim is to evaluate the relationship of the polymorphism of theLIPCrs2043085andrs1532085genes with vascular wall stiffness in military personnel in extreme climatic conditions.
 MATERIALS AND METHODS:295 contract servicemen undergoing military service in various climatic and geographical conditions were examined. Participants are divided into three groups: 1stgroup 100 people serving in the Arctic climate zone; 2ndgroup 100 people serving in the temperate climate zone; 3rdgroup 95 people serving in the conditions of the midmountain subtropical zone. The average age of military personnel in all groups was approximately 34 years. All the examined patients were examined, blood pressure and heart rate were measured, regional blood circulation was assessed using the AngioScan-01P device based on the study of the shape of the volumetric pulse wave by a photoplethysmographic sensor, and a molecular genetic study was performed. Genotyping of single-nucleotide variants of theLIPCrs2043085andrs1532085genes was performed using a polymerase chain reaction in real time on an amplifier (RT-PCR) DT-Prime (GC DNA Technology, Russia) using a set of reagents manufactured by the company Syntol (Moscow).
 RESULTS:In servicemen undergoing military service in the Arctic zone, a significant increase in systolic blood pressure, increased vascular stiffness, arterial wall stiffness, and average arterial wall stiffness were revealed. In military personnel undergoing military service in the conditions of the mid-mountain subtropical zone, a significant increase in the stiffness of the artery wall was revealed. On the contrary, high elasticity of the arterial wall has been established in servicemen undergoing military service in a temperate zone. Statistically significant differences in the frequency of occurrence of theLIPSgene (rs2043085) were found in servicemen undergoing military service in various climatic and geographical zones: in the Arctic zone mainly persons with the T/T genotype (up to 53%), in the temperate zone the T/C genotype prevails (up to 43%), in the subtropical zone genotype C/C (up to 40%). The association of the T/T genotype of theLIPSgene (rs2043085) with the stiffness of the vascular wall was established, which corresponds to an excess of the average passport age of the subjects by 67 years, and in the same genotype, according to the type of pulse wave, there is a tendency to increase the stiffness of the artery wall in servicemen aged 34 years with an average military service of 13 years, serving in the Arctic zone for more than 10 years.
 CONCLUSIONS:In the conditions of the Arctic belt, with prolonged exposure (more than 10 years) to adverse environmental factors, the cardiovascular system is depleted, physiological functions are involuted and the body prematurely ages in the form of hypertonic vascular reactions with the progression of excessive vascular stiffness, especially in individuals with theLIPSgene genotype T/T (rs2043085).

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