
Nine out of thirty-four patients with linear IgA disease (LAD) had oral ulceration. Four out of seven of these patients who were examined by an ophthalmologist had changes of a cicatrising conjunctivitis indistinguishable from those of benign mucous membrane pemphigoid (BMMP). Three of these patients gave no history of ocular symptoms up to the time of examination. These findings indicate a need for oral and ophthalmological assessment in all patients with LAD. Twenty-seven patients with a diagnosis of BMMP were also studied. Nine presented with oral symptoms alone, nine with ocular symptoms alone, seven with oral and ocular symptoms, and two with cutaneous lesions in addition to oral and ocular symptoms. All the patients were examined by the same ophthalmologist. Six of the nine patients who presented with oral symptoms alone had signs of a cicatrising conjunctivitis. Four of these six patients had the clinical pattern of erosive gingivitis which was not previously thought to be associated with a cicatrising conjunctivitis. There is a similar need, therefore, for an ophthalmological assessment in all patients presenting with oral BMMP. Three of the twenty-seven patients with BMMP had homogeneous-linear deposits of IgA in uninvolved skin. The finding of linear IgA deposits in the skin of these patients with only mucous membrane lesions, and the finding that patients with LAD have a high incidence of oral and conjunctival lesions, raise the possibility of a common pathogenic pathway but with varying clinical expressions in these two groups.

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