
The study was conducted at the sheep and goat research station, at Al-Shatrah District, ThiQar Agriculture Directorate, Thi-Qar Governorate, from 1/11/2021 to 30/6/2022 for one production season. A total of 100 animals were used, consisting of 50 parents and 50 lambs, males and females, the ages of the ewes ranged from 3 to 5 years old. The sheep data used in the experiment were collected from the station records. The genetic part was also completed in the Marshes Research Laboratory at the University of Thi-Qar. The study aimed at the relationship between Leptin gene and milk production and its components. There were significant differences (P≤0.05) between the animals of CC, CT and TT genotypes, resulting from mutation at site 119 of the studied segment of the Leptin gene, on total milk production and daily milk production, where animals with TT genotype outperformed animals with CT and CC genotype, there were no significant differences on milk production and daily milk production between CC and CT genotype, also between the CT and TT genotypes. The results of total milk production were as follows: 32.71, 34.29 and 36.51 liters, for daily milk production: 363.47, 381.00 and 405.71 liters, for CC, CT, and TT genotypes, respectively.

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