
The leadership effectiveness of school principals and teacher performance are two variables that determine school progress. With leadership effectiveness of the school principal and good teacher’s performance will improve school performance. The question is whether the two variables are related. Therefore, this research aimed at determining the level of leadership effectiveness of the school principal, describing the level of teacher’s performance, and determining the coefficient of the relationship between the leadership effectiveness of the school principal and teacher performance. This research was conducted in State Junior High Schools in Lowokwaru District, Malang City, using a simple correlation model quantitative research approach. The research sample was taken from 156 teachers with a proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques in this research employ a questionnaire and are processed with statistical data analysis techniques, descriptions, and Pearson Product moment correlation. The results of this research show that the level of the leadership effectiveness of the school principals is in the high category, while the teacher’s performance level is in the medium category. There is a significant positive relationship between the leadership effectiveness of the school principals and teacher’s performance. Based on these findings, to improve teachers’ performance, it needs to improve the leadership effectiveness of the school principals.


  • The leadership effectiveness of school principals and teacher performance are two variables that determine school progress

  • Based on the analysis of 156 teachers, the results obtained 23 teachers (14.7%) who answered that the leadership effectiveness of the school principals was in very high qualifications, 64 teachers (41%) stated that the leadership effectiveness of the school principals was in high qualification. 55 teachers (35.3%) stated that the leadership effectiveness of the school principals was in moderate qualifications, and 14 teachers (9%) stated that the leadership effectiveness of the school principals was in a low qualification

  • The mean value for the principal leadership effectiveness variable, namely 84.29, is in the 84-89 interval, this is in the high category, with the average frequency percentage of its value of 84.29%

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The leadership effectiveness of school principals and teacher performance are two variables that determine school progress. With leadership effectiveness of the school principal and good teacher’s performance will improve school performance. There is a significant positive relationship between the leadership effectiveness of the school principals and teacher’s performance. To improve teachers’ performance, it needs to improve the leadership effectiveness of the school principals If it is examined more deeply, the quality of education depends a lot on teacher performance. The teacher performance in carrying out tasks is shown by how high the four competencies can be applied in the implementation of daily tasks This cannot be separated from the behavior of the school principal in implementing the leadership. The leadership effectiveness of the school principal is defined as the success of executing activities to influence surroundings and achieve institutional goals. Leadership is a process of influencing someone to manage their group members to achieve the targets of an organization and it can be successful if they can understand and do not forget to see the state of their surroundings, especially the institutional environment

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