
The search for the requested document is one of the most important processes in the provision of interlibrary services. At the same time, it becomes quite difficult to conduct search procedures in a variety of information retrieval systems (IRS) that operate according to certain rules. This problem requires constant study as new technical search solutions are emerging that need to be mastered by experienced users and novices in the expanding digital workspace. The purpose of the article is to show the existing possibilities for improving the quality of information retrieval in the IRS to meet user orders. The objectives of the research are to uncover the main causes of users’ dissatisfaction with information search in interactive systems and to identify ways to improve them. A brief overview of the history of development and transformations in the use of the reference and retrieval apparatus in interlibrary services is given. Positive changes were noted in the search for documents related to the use of information and communication technologies, as well as the contribution of employees of the information and library sphere to the creation and operation of electronic catalogs. The profound interrelationship of the processes of interlibrary services, the relevance of searching and the implementation of high technology is emphasized. Special attention is paid to the analysis of foreign scientific publications 2015–2019. They covered the use of IRS, search models, the dissatisfaction with search, the improvement of efficiency and modernization of systems, the prospects for their development. The article summarizes scientific and practical results of information search in relation to interlibrary services in domestic and foreign online systems of information and library institutions. The novelty of the article is that it focuses on the study of the effectiveness of IRS, which fundamentally affects users’ satisfaction with interlibrary services.


  • ИНФОРМАЦИОННО-БИБЛИОТЕЧНЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ, РЕСУРСЫ И ТЕХНОЛОГИИ 73 системах информационно-­б­ иблиотечных учреждений

  • It becomes quite difficult to conduct search procedures in a variety of information retrieval systems (IRS) that operate according to certain rules

  • Во время поиска информации у пользователя возникают аффективные состояния, воздействующие на принятие решений при выборе стратегии взаимодействия с поисковых систем (ПС)

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THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INFORMATION SEARCH AND PROVISION OF INTERLIBRARY SERVICES. Одним из важнейших процессов в оказании межбиблиотечных услуг является поиск заказываемого документа. Цель статьи – показать возможности повышения качества поиска информации в ИПС для удовлетворения заказов пользователей. Особое внимание уделено анализу зарубежных научных публикаций 2015–2019 гг., в которых освещены вопросы использования ИПС, моделей поиска, поведения пользователей, неудовлетворенности поиском, повышения результативности, модернизации систем и перспектив их развития. It becomes quite difficult to conduct search procedures in a variety of information retrieval systems (IRS) that operate according to certain rules. Цель изучения – подчеркнуть роль поиска научной информации в межбиблиотечном обслуживании и повышения удовлетворенности пользователей путем внедрения поисковых сервисов в отечественные и зарубежные информационно-­ поисковых системы (ИПС) 1. Научная новизна состоит в раскрытии взаимосвязи оперативного функционирования ИПС и полноты удовлетворения заказов пользователей, в том числе межбиблиотечных услуг, и выявлении инновационных подходов для комфортных условий обслуживания

Взаимодействие межбиблиотечных услуг с поисковыми системами России
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