
One of the hazards in the CCM (Continuous Casting Machine) section of PT X is the heat stress. The heat stress is predominantly caused by hot metal liquids processed before being compacted into billets. Heat Stress causes workers sweating a lot and leads to dehydration. The purpose of this study is to find the correlation between heat stress and dehydration in CCM (Continuous Casting Machine) section of PT X. It is an observational study and a cross sectional study due to time examined. The tools to measure heat stress is Heat Stress Apparatus Quest Temp 36 and measurement of work dehydration is by observing the color of the respondent’s urine compared to the urine color table. This study has a sample of 30 workers exposed to the hot work climate in CCM (Continuous Casting Machine) section of PT X. The data analysis techniques used are univariate and bivariate analysis techniques. The results show that the highest working climate in the place is 42.3 oC and of the 30 respondents studied, there are 28 respondents who are dehydrated, ranging from mild to severe. By using the chi-square test statistical calculations to see the correlation, p is 0.045 where p <?, means there is correlation between the work climate and work dehydration. Suggestions that can be given to companies to overcome heat stress problems are by adding fan blowers in the workplace and providing electrolyte salts added to the workers’ drinks.

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