
The study sought to investigate the relationship between head teachers’ supervision practices and academic performance in public primary schools of Mwingi Central Sub County, Kitui County, Kenya. Statement of the problem, poor academic performance in Public primary schools in Mwingi central Sub County where schools were registering low academic performance compared to other Sub counties. The specific objectives that guided the study was, to assess the influence of head teachers’ classroom observation on academic performance in public primary schools in Mwingi Central Sub-County. Literature was obtained from various books, study journals, articles and reports from both electronic and print media. The study applied the concurrent triangulation research design .The target population was 1368 ,From the three zones simple random sampling were applied in selecting 6 head teachers and 61 teachers. The study utilized questionnaires as data gathering tools where test -retest technique was used to test reliability of the research instruments and the Pearson product movement correlation Findings were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The findings revealed that classroom observation practices by the head teachers were not taken seriously. From the study findings the study suggests the following; the ministry of education (MOE) and the Teachers Service Commission (TSC) to employ strategies that are aimed at balancing the head teachers’ core functions to ensure that they have sufficient time for conducting instructional supervision practices. Also head teachers needs to play a mix between hands-on and delegated approaches of carrying out classroom supervision practices. CQASO should implement mechanisms to ensure that there is effective coordination in ensuring that classroom observations is done frequently to help in bridging the gaps that occur as a result of head teachers’ laxity.

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