
A 470-kb segment from the long arm of chromosome 3 of Zea mays (inbred LH82), encompassing the a1-sh2 interval, was cloned as a yeast artificial chromosome. Comparison of the sizes of the restriction fragments generated from the cloned DNA fragment and from the DNA isolated from the maize inbred line LH82 established the colinearity of the a1-sh2 interval in these DNAs. By utilizing a chromosome fragmentation technique, a yeast artificial chromosome encompassing the a1-sh2 interval was separately fragmented at the a1 and sh2 loci. Comparison of the sizes of these fragmentation products established the physical distance between the a1 and sh2 loci to be 140 kb. Furthermore, these fragmentation experiments established the physical orientation of the a1 and sh2 genes relative to the maize centromere. The molecular cloning of the contiguous region between the a1 and sh2 loci made it possible to define the relationship between physical and genetic distances over a relatively large segment of the maize genome. In this interval, the relationship between physical and genetic distances is 1560 kb/centimorgan, which compares with 1460 kb/centimorgan for the entire maize genome, and 217 kb/centimorgan for a 1-kb segment within the a1 locus. Therefore, these findings are consistent with the hypothesis that genes per se are preferred sites for meiotic recombination rather than the hypothesis that genes reside in large recombinationally active segments of the genome.

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