
To determine whether a positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) level equivalent to the lower inflection point (LIP) could be identified by evaluation of the airway pressure, flow (f1. gif" BORDER="0">), and volume vs time waveforms during partial liquid ventilation (PLV). Prospective application of PEEP during PLV in a healthy animal model. University hospital animal laboratory. Five healthy sheep weighing 30 kg each. The sequential application of 0 to 20 cm H(2)O PEEP in 2.5-cm H(2)O steps during PLV with both pressure and volume ventilation. Analysis of the pressure, volume, and f1. gif" BORDER="0"> waveforms as PEEP is sequentially increased. At 0 cm H(2)O PEEP, VT was markedly reduced compared with PEEP VT at > or = 7.5 cm H(2)O (p < 0.05) in pressure control ventilation (PCV), and peak inspiratory pressure minus PEEP was markedly increased compared with PEEP at > or = 5.0 cm H(2)O (p < 0.05) in volume control ventilation. At 10 cm H(2)O PEEP, all waveforms began to stabilize, and no significant differences in any variable assessed were measured at > 12.5 cm H(2)O PEEP. The application of PEEP during PLV markedly alters airway waveforms. Low PEEP decreases VT in PCV and increases airway pressure in VCV. The PEEP level equal to the LIP during PLV can be grossly estimated from airway waveforms. PEEP at > or = 10 cm H(2)O is needed to normalize gas delivery to functional residual capacity in the uninjured lung that is partially filled with perfluorocarbon.

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