
Background: The importance of promoting a balanced diet and physical activity in children and adolescents cannot be overstated because the habits that develop during these years tend to persist throughout adulthood. Objectives: The aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between food habits, eating behavior, and nutritional knowledge of high school female students and their demographic attributes Methodology: The descriptive correlational design, sometimes referred to as the simple correlational design, is a subtype of correlational study whose main goal is to analyze relationships between and among variables. Results:The study results reveal that there is no statistically significant difference in their Self-Efficacy, barriers to change, nutritional knowledge, knowledge about food safety, and knowledge about food safety and behavior among the groups of grade. Conclusion:Most do not eat breakfast. Most have poor nutritional knowledge. Most drink soft drinks (cola, orange, soda, iced tea, tonic water, etc.) between meals. Most never practice physical activity. Recommendations:There is a pressing for the community health nurses to collaborate with the directorates of education and schools’ administration to reactivate the physical activity lesson in the schools.

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