
The ornamental corals as trade target are imported from West Nusa Tenggara. This province is a collection zone for ornamental corals, but rarely conduct coral condition monitoring and also observation of the existence of ornamental corals. The purpose of this study was to get data of ornamental corals existence and coral reefs conditions in Saleh Bay. Research was conducted on May 6–11, 2015 at 6 locations based on the distance from the mainland with the representation of two representative spots on each location, such as in-shore, mid-shore and off-shore. The research used line intercept transect method to obtain coral reefs condition data and the belt transect method to obtain the ornamental corals data. The results obtained were as follows: coral reefs condition were in good condition with the life coral cover was above 50%, except at station 4 (mid-shore). Acropora colonies were more common in off-shore locations (station 5 and 6). The substrate was dominated by rubble and dead coral with algae (DCA). The trade-targeted ornamental corals were found in 28 genera, such as Euphyllia glabrescens, Euphyllia cristata, Euphyllia ancora, Echinophora sp., Goniopora sp., Lobophyllia sp., Physogyra sp., Merulina sp. and Turbinaria sp. Because of the low existence of ornamental corals at observation sites, collaborative observation with ornamental corals collectors should be conducted for determining the exact location of ornamental corals collecting zones.

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