
This study examines the relationship between the Tionghoa (Chinese) ethnic group and their efforts to preserve the environment in Bangka and Belitung Island. The research method used was qualitative case study design. The study included seven informants, selected through purposive sampling. Data analysis followed the Miles–Huberman technique, including data collection, presentation, interpretation, and conclusion. This study adopts the rational choice perspective, which emphasises the role of individuals in creating social change. The results show that the Bangka Tionghoa (Chinese) ethnic group's efforts to preserve the environment are driven by a rational choice to protect natural resources that support their economic livelihood. Although they are protected for pragmatic reasons based on materialism, Confucian values influence the efforts passed down from their ancestors. Love, compassion, and justice ('ren' and 'yi') shape human relations. Humans can cooperate if they possess these traits. San Cai, or Three Main Entities, is a Confucianism ontology emphasising humans' obligation to God (the Creator), other humans, and the earth ('Tian Ren He Yi’). According to Confucianism, all religions view mankind, nature, and God as inseparable oneness for a sustained and harmonious macro life. The views and choices of the ethnic Tionghoa community regarding their livelihoods and beliefs are rational social actions. This choice is based on the level of knowledge and understanding that individuals possess related to the benefits of the risks obtained when choosing an economic and sociocultural effort. This level of expertise and experience is essential for individuals to understand the choices made by the ethnic Tionghoa or Chinese context of diversification and changes in livelihoods outside the tin mining sector, which impacts environmental damage that also contributes to forming environmental citizenship.

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