
Four-wave light mixing experiments to study the phenomenon of collision-induced coherence were reported at two previous laser spectroscopy conferences [1,2]. In the meantime a full-length paper has reviewed the collision-induced Zeeman coherences [3]. More recently, the observation of collision-induced Hanle resonances in zero magnetic field has also been reported by us [4]. The connection of these collision-assisted Hanle resonances and transverse optical pumping was pointed out [5]. The language of optical pumping [6] was also employed by KOSTER et al. [7] to describe Hanle resonances in phase conjugate four-wave mixing experiments. It is the purpose of this note to elaborate on this relationship.and to discuss differences in the behavior of the collision-assisted four-wave-mixing signal for tuning near the D1 and D2 resonance lines, respectively.KeywordsPhase ConjugateTransverse PolarizationZero Magnetic FieldPhase Conjugate WaveFWHM WidthThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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