
Music has long been perceived as a healing agent for various ailments (UW Health, 2019). Music therapy is the use of musical interventions to accomplish personalized goals, often related to healthcare (American Music Therapy Association, 2005). It has proven to have positive effects on many conditions, such as helping stroke survivors or altering brain chemistry (Harvard Health Publishing, 2021). Music has also shown promising benefits with regard to the heart. Heart disease was responsible for every 1 in 5 deaths in the United States as of 2020 and is the primary cause of death for many groups within the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2022.). Thus, it’s imperative to explore various methods of cardiac treatment as it’s clear that heart disease is a highly threatening and widespread condition. This paper is a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials that focus on classical music as the specific music intervention being used and its impact on heart disease. These studies found that classical music reduces blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety. Classical music is also an accessible, safe, and affordable intervention that has been shown to improve heart health. This approach should be considered more often as an adjunct to standard heart disease care.

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