
Is not the freedom a daughter but a mother of order? Is the republic positive anarchy? Is anarchy an extremely destructive phenomenon? Does Ukrainian civil society have any common features with anarchic society? The author attempts to answer these questions in the article. To achieve this goal, the author analyzed a huge layer of information, consisting of both well-known sources (Laozi, Immanuel Kant, Petro Kropotkin) and local, little-known sources. The author even had to look for information among the articles of propaganda journalists from authoritarian countries, for whom democratic institutions and the thirst for freedom are simply a sound for which silencing could be well earned. As it turned out, finding such information was quite easy. The article is devoted to the study of the existence of civil society in state entities with anarchic legal regime. In the work much attention is paid to the functioning of state bodies on the territory of Ukraine in public centers that have signs of anarchism. Recent legal and historical studies of Ukrainian anarchism have been analyzed in the paper, opinions of famous scientists and philosophers of different times have been investigated, as well as significant differences in understanding of anarchy in the context of its coexistence with accepted state institutions. It should be emphasized separately that in the article the proposed political and social model is not declared as potentially the best, but it does rethink some of the phenomena that have become special for every citizen of Ukraine. There is a clear and objective view in the work that allows us to analyze different historical stages of state formation of Ukraine somewhat different from the conventional ideas about anarchism and its possible destructive influence. The author carefully identifies the hidden common features of anarchism, with well-known events. It is no secret that the wealth of Ukrainian freedom is ignited every time, after another attempt to usurp power by a dictator, corrupt officials, or after an attempt by another state to intervene militarily in the internal problems of Ukrainians. The author's position deserves attention, especially given the lack of interest of domestic scientists in the study of anarchism and its possible positive consequences. Keywords: anarchism, civil society, democracy, state, legal regime

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