
It would seem to be of some particular significance that an Englishman should have written a paper a theme that can be understood as being based the study of cultural diversity. It is of significance, in the first place, because within relatively recent history England held colonial and territorial rights over vast areas of the globe and ruled over an almost infinite number of different cultures. Indeed, it was only a matter of a mere two hundred years ago that those territories which eventually became known as the United States of America broke away from English sovereignty, and even as recently as the early decades of the present century, the British Empire could still justly be described as one on which the sun never sets. England, in point of fact, still has a number of colonies under direct rule in different parts of the world and, although the British Empire no longer exists, the British Commonwealth of Nations maintains strong relationships between many countries which are as much if not more dependent upon some measure of cultural identification as upon economic interdependence. It is of significance also because during those many years of colonial activity and acquisition, the English, in what was surely felt at the

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