
The present study was carried out to study the relationship between career calling and academic satisfaction through decision-making self-efficacy and career adaptability and moderating of the educational level. The research method was correlational, structural equation modeling. The population was all students of University of Isfahan in 2014-2015. A sample of 300 students was selected by proportional stratified sampling method. Measurement tools included Career Calling Scale (Dik & Steger, 2006), Career Adaptability Scale (Savichas & Porfeli, 2012), Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale (Taylor & Betz, 1983) and Academic Satisfaction Questionnaire (Lent et al., 2007). Data were analyzed by multiple regression and structural equation modeling. The findings indicated the relation between having calling and decision-making self-efficacy depends on educational level (p<.001). In addition, the relation between having and searching calling with career adaptability depends on educational level (p<.001). Having career calling,directly and indirectly, through decision-making self-efficacy and career adaptability related to academic satisfaction (p<.001).On the other hand, at higher education students, educational level could moderate the relation between having calling and academic satisfaction through career adaptability and decision-making self-efficacy (p<.01). In general, self-efficacy and career adaptability are mediation in the relationship between having the career calling and academic satisfaction while, the educational level moderates these relationships.

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