
The paper presents the results of a study of the relationship between aggressive behavior of an individual with the parameters of socio-ethnic intolerance and socio-psychological attitudes in the motivational-needsphere of the individual, in the context of experiencing intense stress caused by a traumatic event. The study involved 118 people – representatives of the youth of the Chechen Republic in the age range from 18 to 25 years. The results of the study showed that aggressive forms of behavior are accompanied by an increase in the general level of social intolerance, which is one of the significant factors in the growth of tension in society, since the manifestation of disrespect and intolerance towards others in the context of interethnic and interfaith interaction is accompanied not only by the growth of conflict situations in society, but also provokes extremist ideas and forms of behavior. At the same time, certain forms of aggressive behavior tend to intensify when the individual experiences situations of a psycho-traumatic nature, associated with the development of intense stress reactions.

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