
In the laboratory, courtship behavior and carotenoid pigmentation of male guppies are condition-dependent traits, since their expression is affected by physical vigor and environmental factors such as water velocity and diet. Whether these relationships exist in guppies under field conditions is yet to be determined. We compared the swimming performance, courtship behavior, and carotenoid pigmentation of guppies from headwater and downstream localities in four rivers of Trinidad. Swimming performance and courtship behavior of males differed among rivers and between headwater and downstream sites. Guppies from headwater sites swam significantly faster and had higher display rates than those from downstream sites. Mean swimming performance across sites was positively correlated with mean water velocity, but was correlated with the number of orange color spots (carotenoid pigment) in only one river. These results indicate that the courtship behavior of Trinidadian guppies is condition-dependent because the amount of display behavior is positively correlated to swimming performance, a measure of physical endurance. The proximal cause for this condition-dependence may be predator induced variation in microhabitat use by guppies in headwater and downstream locations.

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