
IntroductionDisordered eating behaviors are a current public health concern since their progression can lead to the development of a full criteria eating disorder. Sensitization to repeated intake of high energy density (HED) foods is associated with excess weight gain over time, but less is known about relationships with assessments of disordered eating. Thus, this study aims to understand how disordered eating behaviors refunlate to the influence of the food environment and sensitization. Method163 adolescents – 50 % female and 13.2 mean age – were followed for 24 months. Sensitization was assessed by comparing the relative reinforcing value (RRV) of HED food at baseline and after two weeks of daily intake; sensitization was defined as RRV of food after repeated intake. Study participants also completed the EDE-Q, and Power of Food Scale (PFS). We conducted multivariate general linear models to examine these associations. ResultsSensitization status and PFS scores at baseline were positively associated with EDE-Q subscale scores cross-sectionally, but not longitudinally, at baseline and 24 months. We found that sensitization to HED food and higher susceptibility to food cues relates to increased disordered eating behaviors and both at baseline and at 24-months. DiscussionThese findings suggest that sensitization to repeated HED food intake and the food environment might be a risk factor for later engagement in disordered eating behaviors. Future studies should address the temporal relationships among these factors and the role that social norms around body weight and weight stigma may play in the development of these behaviors.

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