
Lorem throughout history human settlements have been shaped by water to a great extent. Besides being a source of sustenance, humans have needed water for several other needs including transportation and recreation. It is a known fact that past civilizations have built their cities and villages near rivers, streams, lakes or other water sources throughout the historical process. Even in modern cities, water remains an important factor in the design of open spaces and for the quality of human life. For designers, water is one of the most attractive and entrancing design elements in the design and organization of urban open spaces. Sometimes water is used as an element of aesthetics, sometimes to cool the air, supress noise, irrigate or for recreation. Over time, humans have developed several water structures like canals, fountains and ponds in an attempt to benefit from the aesthetic, psychological and vital qualities of water. In particular, street fountains situated in town centers were also a place for locals to socialize. The shapes and decorations on fountains essentially reflect social culture. This study will first briefly mention the place of water in the mythology and cosmology of different cultures before looking at the development of water structures in Anatolian culture during the Ancient and Byzantine periods with a special focus on fountains (in streets and squares). The ancient city of Sagalassos was the capital of Psiydia and was built on terraces on the SW hills of Akdag and this study will culturally and architecturally examine the monumental fountain in this settlement that was built between AD 161-180, during the reign of Marcus Aurelius to signify the prestige of the Roman Empire.

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