
THE question has been asked: “What, under the present existing conditions, are the plans of the U. S. Public Health Service for preparedness and what help and assistance can the radiologist specifically give?” One of the main purposes of the Public Health Service in such an emergency as exists to-day is to support the military processes by any or all of its facilities. At the same time it must see that the general public health standards are maintained as high as possible. It is, therefore, one of the champions of civil health interests. It is an agency with widely diversified interests by virtue of numerous statutory obligations. Some of these are semimilitary, but the majority deal with civil life, and are met through eight divisions: Mental Hygiene, Scientific Research, Foreign and Insular Quarantine and Immigration, Sanitary Reports and Statistics, Marine Hospitals and Relief Stations, Personnel and Accounts, Domestic Quarantine, and Venereal Diseases. In an address before the New York State conferenc...

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