
Spatial Information Infrastructure (SII) facilitates the sharing, interoperability and integration of geographical information among department components of a region or a country. The SII is developed and shared by different department components. The relation of department components is a fundament for collaborating tasks and information exchange in SII. There are two kinds of department components, one is the provider which produces geospatial data of SII other is the consumer which uses geospatial data of SII. The consumer includes two kinds of user, one is the user which only uses and does not produce geospatial data in SII, other is the special user which not only uses but also produces geospatial data in SII. The provider includes different hierarchies corresponding to different kinds of geospatial data in SII. All providers in the hierarchies form provider actor set PA. All consumers also form consumer actor set CA. The sender-recipient relation SR and SRI are defined on Cartesian product of PA and CA. Five tasks and information flow in SII demonstrate the geospatial data acquisition, information production, management, and application among department components. The tasks and their sub-tasks are subdivided activities. Each activity corresponds to the relation SR or RSI. The activity along with the relation of provider and consumer forms a scheme of geographical information exchange between department components.

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