
ELEVEN soil profiles represent the different geomorphic units in.west Delta were chosen to study the relation between the soil taxonomic units developed on the geomorphic units and soil fertility status. The obtained results indicated that the taxonomic units are: 1) Typic Haplocalcids , Typic Calcigypsids developed on old Alluvial soils 2) Typic Torripsamment developed on windblown sand 3) Aquic Haplocalcids developed on Fluvio-Lacustrine soils . 4) Typic Torrifluvents and Typic Haplotorrerts developed on recent Nile Alluvial soils. 5) Halic Endoaquerts and Aridic Endoaquerts developed on Fluvio-marine soils and 6) Oxyaquic Torripsamments developed on coastal plain soils . The organic matter contents were relatively low ranged from 0.15 to 2.35 %. The cation exchange capacity ranged from 2.3 to 38.3 meq/100g , the lowest values were found in the windblown sand , whereas, the highest were in the clayey soils of Fluvio-marine.

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