
The subject of this research is the rehearsal process in choreographic art. The object of the study is the comprehension of this process as a creative integration of an artist and a teacher-tutor. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the role of an artist, the preparation of a ballet dancer for a performance, gives examples of works of art that contribute to honing the professional skills of dancers. The author focuses on the importance of participation in stage practice during the years of study, which allows you to feel more confident on stage as a professional ballet dancer, and also points out the main contradiction – the time limitation on the preparation of the artist for the part and the need to demonstrate impeccable performance. The importance of this research is expressed in the fact that in modern education and tutoring work in the theater, such a phenomenon as creative integration is an important factor in achieving the goals set, namely in obtaining and maintaining the professional level of academic theaters. The result of the conducted research is the design of a model of modern training of artists to participate in performances of the classical repertoire, with a focus on preserving the choreographic text and heritage as a whole. The novelty of the research lies in a comprehensive approach to the characterization of the creative integration of a ballet dancer and a teacher in the process of preparing for a performance, determining the leading professional traits of dancers, the presence of which allows us to realize the task of creating a high-quality product of joint activity of the performer and the teacher-tutor.

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