
MUCH has been spoken and written regarding the advantages and disadvantages of introducing the supersonic transport (SST) to the travelling public. Innumerable studies have been, and are presently being, undertaken to find solutions to the unique problems precipitated by the mechanics and concept of supersonic air transportation. Unfortunately, but perhaps quite expectedly, most of these studies and public debates are post facto phenomena. Substantial work and funds have already been expended on a prototype. However, it is also accurate to state that additional studies will be necessary as unforeseen problems unfold with continuing research and development.1 Not only are the historic problems of passport and visa administration, health controls, customs obstacles and other facilitation frustrations increased by the supersonic transportation concept, but the very nature of the new technology involved provides fertile ground for intensified international friction. The SST is not simply an evolution in aeronautical engineering; it is an entirely new concept in the rapid and massive movement of people about the world. In practical terms, however, the SST is an economic revolution in the art of aircraft manufacturing and in international civil aviation competition.2

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