
The rise of internet platforms meets people’s needs for a better life. However, the platforms also pose the risk of ecological monopolies. Using the methodology of economic analysis of law, with the help of ANT theory, the laws governing the operation of the platform ecosystem are discovered, and the paper analyzes the life cycle of digital platform development and figures out that the regulatory strategy for platforms should be adjusted to follow its life cycle and adopt more intuitive evaluation criteria for assessing market power. Meanwhile, the regulatory strategy for plat-forms could fully guarantee the active participation of multiple subjects, such as operators and consumers, in the platform’s governance. With the continuous advancement of data and algorithm technology, new content service providers will continue to emerge, and a new industry is developing. Besides the dynamic track analysis of platforms’ life cycles, another static research outcome is also given in this research. To ensure that the algorithmic technologies developed by the platform truly contribute to economic and social development and the well-being of people, the right to interpret algorithms and the establishment of scenario-based regulation of algorithms should be established.

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