
Review question/objective: The objective of this review is to identify and synthesise current evidence on workplace cultural and climatic factors that influence the daily work of nurses in an acute health care setting Types of intervention(s)/phenomena of interest: This review will consider the experiences of Registered Nurses in busy acute care facilities, in regard to values, beliefs, attitudes, artefacts, rituals, routines and traditions that impact on nursing workloads. In addition, to this cultural aspect, the experiences of climate factors that include clinical governance, inter-professional relationships, collegiality, workplace support, non-nursing duties, organisational structure and processes, work redesign, work flow, nursing roles and demands on nurses practice context that influence nurses workloads, will be included. Patient clinical care factors will be excluded. Types of outcomes: This review will consider studies that include experiences of Registered Nurses of specific cultural and climatic factors that influence Registered Nurses' daily workloads in an acute care facility.

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